
Tour Highlights Innovative Sares Regis, LifeMoves Homeless Housing image

Tour Highlights Innovative Sares Regis, LifeMoves Homeless Housing

Several Bay Area Council members and partner organizations toured the award-winning LifeMoves supportive interim housing community in Mountain View...
Council Helps Push Record State Investments to Fight Homelessness image

Council Helps Push Record State Investments to Fight Homelessness

The budget Gov. Newsom signed last week commits a record $12 billion over the next two years to fight homelessness, and came just three weeks after...
New Report Outlines $11.8 Billion Regional Strategy for Ending Bay Area Homelessness image

New Report Outlines $11.8 Billion Regional Strategy for Ending Bay Area Homelessness

With the Bay Area accounting for 30% of the total rise in U.S. homelessness since 2017, the nation’s highest rate of unsheltered homeless at 73% ...
Big Price Tag for SF’s Safe Sleeping Sites for Homeless image

Big Price Tag for SF’s Safe Sleeping Sites for Homeless

You might think that small, temporary tent compounds to house the homeless in San Francisco would be less costly than renting an apartment. Think a...
State Audit Details “Disjointed” Homeless Response image

State Audit Details “Disjointed” Homeless Response

California’s approach to addressing homelessness is disjointed between siloed state agencies, and the entity tasked with coordinating them all la...
Bay Area Comes Out on Top as Project Homekey Wraps image

Bay Area Comes Out on Top as Project Homekey Wraps

Governor Gavin Newsom has finished announcing Project Homekey grants. How did the Bay Area do? The Bay Area accounts for roughly 18% of the State...
Council Supports Legislation to Accelerate Housing for the Homeless image

Council Supports Legislation to Accelerate Housing for the Homeless

The Bay Area Council is proud to support four bills to help accelerate and streamline the production of affordable housing, emergency shelters, and...
Racing to Shelter the Homeless in the Time of COVID image

Racing to Shelter the Homeless in the Time of COVID

Providing hotels and other innovative housing solutions for California’s homeless population is key to stopping the spread of COVID-19, according...
Federal COVID-19 Includes Billions for Homeless image

Federal COVID-19 Includes Billions for Homeless

Following efforts by the Bay Area Council and AllHome to corral regional leaders behind a united ask for $5 billion in federal COVID-19 assistance ...
Homelessness Dominates State of the State image

Homelessness Dominates State of the State

Governor Gavin Newsom dedicated nearly the entirety of Thursday’s State of the State of Address to the issues of housing and homelessness, hittin...
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