
Bay Area Homelessness Leader Named CA Housing Secretary image

Bay Area Homelessness Leader Named CA Housing Secretary

Yesterday (Nov. 28), Gov. Newsom appointed Tomiquia Moss as the new Secretary of the Business, Consumer Services, and Housing Agency, which oversee...
Council Asks U.S. Supreme Court to Intervene in Homelessness Ruling image

Council Asks U.S. Supreme Court to Intervene in Homelessness Ruling

The Bay Area Council today formally asked the U.S. Supreme Court to review a lower federal court ruling that has effectively hamstrung local jurisd...
Good News from Initial Court Ruling on Homeless Encampments image

Good News from Initial Court Ruling on Homeless Encampments

San Francisco, as part of its efforts to provide shelter to the unhoused, can resume removing illegal encampments that often block sidewalks, stree...
9th Circuit Hints at Relief in Critical Homelessness Case image

9th Circuit Hints at Relief in Critical Homelessness Case

Judges for the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals on Wednesday appeared poised to answer San Francisco’s pleas for clarity in how it can legally r...
Landmark UCSF Study on Homelessness Reinforces Council’s Focus on Housing Production image

Landmark UCSF Study on Homelessness Reinforces Council’s Focus on Housing Production

A statewide study released this week by the UCSF Benioff Homelessness and Housing Initiative provides important insights into California&...
Regional Shift Toward Shelter in City Homelessness Budgets image

Regional Shift Toward Shelter in City Homelessness Budgets

The mayors of the Bay Area’s two largest cities are proposing to shift resources allocated to addressing homelessness away from new permanent hou...
Gimme Shelter: Council Research Cited in SF Resolution Calling for More Temporary Housing image

Gimme Shelter: Council Research Cited in SF Resolution Calling for More Temporary Housing

Like many jurisdictions across California, San Francisco has for years prioritized the construction of permanent housing over shelters to address t...
Homeless Housing Legislation Clears Major Hurdle image

Homeless Housing Legislation Clears Major Hurdle

With an estimated 170,000 Californians experiencing homelessness on any given day, it’scritical that we find fast, affordable housing solutions. ...
Perfect the enemy of the good: Court ruling may worsen San Francisco’s homelessness crisis image

Perfect the enemy of the good: Court ruling may worsen San Francisco’s homelessness crisis

Street sleeping is unhealthy for people experiencing homelessness and carries with it a higher risk of chronic disease, infectious disease, injury,...
New Council-Sponsored Bill a Game Changer in Battle Against Homelessness image

New Council-Sponsored Bill a Game Changer in Battle Against Homelessness

Providing permanent housing is the end goal for addressing our homelessness crisis and getting unhoused people off the streets and into settings wh...
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