
Bay Area Council Applauds Gov. Newsom for Executive Order on Homeless Encampments image

Bay Area Council Applauds Gov. Newsom for Executive Order on Homeless Encampments

The Bay Area Council today (July 25, 2024) released the following statement on Gov. Newsom’s Executive Order calling for the removal of unsafe en...
Bay Area Council Hails U.S. Supreme Court Ruling in Grants Pass Case image

Bay Area Council Hails U.S. Supreme Court Ruling in Grants Pass Case

Council submitted amicus brief urging the high court to overturn lower court ruling that restrained cities in their efforts to address homelessness...
Council-Sponsored Homeless Legislation Clears First Hurdle image

Council-Sponsored Homeless Legislation Clears First Hurdle

Legislation the Bay Area Council is co-sponsoring to streamline production of interim housing to address California’s unsheltered homelessness cr...
Council Leads Amicus Brief in Pivotal U.S. Supreme Court Homelessness Case image

Council Leads Amicus Brief in Pivotal U.S. Supreme Court Homelessness Case

The Bay Area Council and a coalition of over a dozen organizations submitted a second “friend of the court” brief to the U.S. Supreme Court in ...
Council Co-Sponsoring Game-Changing Legislation Aimed at Unsheltered Homelessness image

Council Co-Sponsoring Game-Changing Legislation Aimed at Unsheltered Homelessness

The Bay Area Council and its partners at SPUR and DignityMoves joined Senator Josh Becker and San Jose Mayor Matt Mahan at a press conference Monda...
Council Prepares Legislative Agenda on Homelessness image

Council Prepares Legislative Agenda on Homelessness

The Bay Area Council’s Homelessness Committee and its partners are finalizing an ambitious legislative agenda to be unveiled in the coming weeks....
San Mateo County Passes Bay Area Council-Backed Ordinance to Bring Homeless Residents Indoors image

San Mateo County Passes Bay Area Council-Backed Ordinance to Bring Homeless Residents Indoors

Unsheltered homeless residents in San Mateo County will be required to accept shelter when available under a new ordinance passed unanimously Tuesd...
U.S. Supreme Court Sides with Bay Area Council in Taking up Controversial Homelessness Case image

U.S. Supreme Court Sides with Bay Area Council in Taking up Controversial Homelessness Case

In a major victory for the Bay Area Council’s work to address homelessness, the U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to review a controversial lower fed...
As Homelessness Increases, Council Urges Bay Area Legislators to Embrace Interim Housing image

As Homelessness Increases, Council Urges Bay Area Legislators to Embrace Interim Housing

California is losing ground in the fight against homelessness and should shift focus towards bringing people indoors and saving lives. That was the...
Homeless Committee Welcomes New Chairs, Sets Ambitious 2024 Agenda image

Homeless Committee Welcomes New Chairs, Sets Ambitious 2024 Agenda

The Bay Area Council’s Homelessness Committee yesterday (Dec. 5) introduced new co-chairs and adopted an ambitious agenda to tackle unsheltered h...
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