Council-Sponsored Homeless Legislation Clears First Hurdle

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Legislation the Bay Area Council is co-sponsoring to streamline production of interim housing to address California’s unsheltered homelessness crisis cleared the Senate Housing Committee yesterday on a 9-0 vote. The bill, SB 1395 by Senator Josh Becker, specifies that interim housing and shelter are eligible projects under existing state homeless housing programs; that interim housing projects are not projects under CEQA; and extends the sunset provisions for two existing tools to speed shelter and interim housing projects.

Interim housing refers to non-congregate shelter projects, which can typically be built and installed for as little as $50,000 per unit and can therefore be scaled much more quickly than other interventions. Council members are encouraged to submit a letter of support for the bill as it heads to its next hearing in Senate Environmental Quality (see template letter here). Joining the Council in sponsoring SB 1395 are San Jose Mayor Matt Mahan, DignityMoves, and SPUR. To engage in the Council’s Homelessness Committee, please contact Senior Vice President Adrian Covert.

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