Workforce of the Future

Building the Workforce of the Future

Workforce of the Future

As California works to build a stronger, more resilient economy, we must prepare workers for the jobs of the future.

It is imperative that we strengthen employer connections with local educators and community-based training organizations to build candidate capacity here in the Bay Area.  The Bay Area Council’s Workforce of the Future Committee runs programs that improve economic opportunities for diverse workers in the region.  The Council scales innovative training programs such as tech apprenticeships, online education, and on-the-job training to connect employers with local talent and build new opportunities for the region’s future workforce.

2024 Priorities

  • Connect historically underrepresented talent, and Covid-displaced workers to well-paid jobs by increasing the number of apprenticeships in the Bay Area by 100,000 by 2029.
  • Strive for regional job recovery that outpaces comparable metro areas and results in a more diverse workforce.
  • Center Bay Area’s workforce recovery around equity, access, and opportunity.

Workforce of the Future Committee Chair
Erika Webb-Hughes, VP of Strategic Partnerships and Western US Gov’t Relations, Pearson

Strategic Partnerships
Bay Area Community College Consortium
San Francisco’s Office of Economic and Workforce Development
Silicon Valley Leadership Group
Valley Vision

Northern California Apprenticeship Network (NCAN)
The Bay Area Council is a founding partner of the Northern California Apprenticeship Network, which brings together leadership from major employers, the public sector, community colleges, non-profit training providers, apprenticeship intermediaries, and funders to scale up apprenticeship programs as a vehicle to advance career opportunities and meet workforce needs.

Learn more about the Northern California Apprenticeship Network>>

Develop new training programs and partnerships to meet your demands. The Council works with workforce training partners across the region to build programs that meet members needs and connect job seekers with our member employers. To learn more, please contact Senior Vice President Matt Regan.

Policy Leads

Matt Regan image
Matt Regan

Senior Vice President, Public Policy

(415) 946-8710

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