
Expanding Economic Opportunity to All Regions of the State image

Expanding Economic Opportunity to All Regions of the State

The Bay Area Council this week brought its insights and expertise to the 2019 California Economic Summit in Fresno, where Gov. Newsom and top leade...
President Trump Weighs in on California Homelessness image

President Trump Weighs in on California Homelessness

Jetting to the Bay Area for a campaign fundraiser, President Trump this week generated headlines for a series of comments about California’s home...
Bay Area Council Goes ‘All-In’ to Combat Homelessness image

Bay Area Council Goes ‘All-In’ to Combat Homelessness

The Bay Area Council this week joined with Tipping Point Community and a phalanx of business, community and philanthropic organizations to launch t...
Bay Area Homelessness Up 24% Since 2017 image

Bay Area Homelessness Up 24% Since 2017

Three months after a Bay Area Council Economic Institute report highlighted the region’s growing homeless problem, new data finds the region now ...
WaPo Story Features Council Research on Homeless Problem image

WaPo Story Features Council Research on Homeless Problem

The regional nature of the Bay Area’s homeless crisis was brought into sharp relief in a powerful Washington Post story today that featured the B...
Homelessness Soars in the Bay Area image

Homelessness Soars in the Bay Area

Maybe it’s time for a different approach. A little over a month after the Bay Area Council Economic Institute released a groundbreaking report ra...
Council-Sponsored Homelessness Bill Advances image

Council-Sponsored Homelessness Bill Advances

Two weeks after releasing a groundbreaking report on homelessness in the Bay Area, a Bay Area Council-sponsored bill, AB 1534 (Wicks) passed the As...
Groundbreaking Report Shines Light on Regional Homelessness Crisis image

Groundbreaking Report Shines Light on Regional Homelessness Crisis

The Bay Area’s homeless crisis ranks among the most severe in the United States, according to a groundbreaking new study the Bay Area Council Eco...
Report: Bay Area Homeless Crisis among Worst in the Country image

Report: Bay Area Homeless Crisis among Worst in the Country

The Bay Area’s homeless crisis ranks among the most severe in the United States, according to a groundbreaking new study the Bay Area Council Eco...
Homelessness: Causes, Consequences and Solutions image

Homelessness: Causes, Consequences and Solutions

The Bay Area has one of the largest and least sheltered homeless populations in the United States, but does little to coordinate resources at a reg...
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