
Regional Commuter Rail Expansion Plans Face Post-Pandemic Realities image

Regional Commuter Rail Expansion Plans Face Post-Pandemic Realities

The plans are bold and visionary. They aspire to create a highly integrated network of rail transportation systems connecting the Bay Area with Sou...
Big Swell of Support for SF Waterfront Ferry Expansion image

Big Swell of Support for SF Waterfront Ferry Expansion

The wave of support for ferry expansion is growing in San Francisco, thanks to an effort spearheaded by the Bay Area Council. On Wednesday (Oct. 11...
Bay Area TDM Summit Explores New Ways to Move Around image

Bay Area TDM Summit Explores New Ways to Move Around

The Bay Area TDM Summit 2023 featured an all-star lineup of transportation experts and over 100 mobility enthusiasts last Friday (Sept. 22) at the ...
Next, You’ll Tell Us There are Flying Ferries. Wait… What? image

Next, You’ll Tell Us There are Flying Ferries. Wait… What?

The Bay Area Council’s Waterfront Mobility Committee convened in a packed room of ferry enthusiasts on Wednesday (Sept. 27) to discuss futuristic...
Council’s Advocacy Helps Secure Veto of Harmful Driverless Vehicle Legislation image

Council’s Advocacy Helps Secure Veto of Harmful Driverless Vehicle Legislation

California’s ability to compete in the fast-growing autonomous vehicle space got a big boost last week when Gov. Newsom vetoed misguided legislat...
Bay Area Council Applauds Gov. Newsom’s Veto of Legislation (AB 316) that Would Have Hurt California’s Leadership, Competitiveness in Autonomous Trucking/Vehicle Technology image

Bay Area Council Applauds Gov. Newsom’s Veto of Legislation (AB 316) that Would Have Hurt California’s Leadership, Competitiveness in Autonomous Trucking/Vehicle Technology

The Bay Area Council today (Sept. 25) issued the following statement applauding Gov. Newsom for vetoing AB 316 and enabling California to lead in t...
A Bridge (and Estuary) Not Too Far image

A Bridge (and Estuary) Not Too Far

The Bay Area Council was proud to join local leaders and stakeholders this week for a ferry ride in the Oakland-Alameda Estuary to explore the oppo...
Time to Pull Out the Veto Pen image

Time to Pull Out the Veto Pen

Two bills – one that would undermine work being done to address crime and safety issues on public transit and another that would weaken Californi...
As BART Plans New Fare Gates, D.C. Metro Success Shows the Pay Off image

As BART Plans New Fare Gates, D.C. Metro Success Shows the Pay Off

With the installation of new more secure fare gates, the Metro transit system serving Washington, D.C., reported that fare evasion had pl...
Buses, Trains, and Ferries, Oh My! Soon Bay Area Transit Commuters Could Ride All with a Single Card image

Buses, Trains, and Ferries, Oh My! Soon Bay Area Transit Commuters Could Ride All with a Single Card

Congratulations to the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) on completing the first year of the Clipper BayPass pilot program ! T...
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