Council Launches Hard-Hitting Ads to End Needless Richmond-San Rafael Bridge Traffic

As part of a continuing campaign to ease eastbound morning congestion on the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge, the Bay Area Council this week launched a series of hard-hitting full-page ads in the San Francisco Chronicle and Bay Area News Group (East Bay Times and San Jose Mercury News) calling on the Metropolitan Transportation Commission to accelerate improvements. The ads highlighted the health impacts of traffic on Richmond neighborhoods from tailpipe emissions and the inequity of not making improvements to the eastbound commute similar to those made a few years ago in the westbound direction in Marin County.

Partnering with community and elected leaders in Richmond, with strong support from North Bay Assembly member Damon Connolly, the Council is calling for changes to the bicycle lane on the upper deck of the bridge, the removal of the toll plaza and improvements to the freeway approaches on both sides of the bridge. To learn more, visit Common Sense Transportation Coalition>>

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