California’s Top Transportation Officials Share Future Vision

California Transportation Sec. Toks Omishakin and his top deputies met with dozens of Bay Area Council members for an exclusive in-person discussion about the future of the state’s transportation system last Thursday (Nov. 2) at Autodesk’s historic One Market office building. With the pandemic fundamentally altering how people move around, Sec. Omishakin shared his vision for building a transportation system more focused on people rather than infrastructure, including providing residents and workers many different transportation options beyond just driving alone.

Omishakin highlighted the historic opportunity of new federal and state infrastructure funding to prioritize investments that will achieve the state’s four core goals – safety, equity, climate action, and economic prosperity – and discussed how advancements in transportation innovation can help improve mobility for everyone. See details on his slides here. To engage in the Council’s transportation work, please contact Vice President Emily Loper.

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