
Council-Backed Housing Bills Move Forward image

Council-Backed Housing Bills Move Forward

The Bay Area Council’s housing bills are all doing well as the Legislature holds its first round of hearings. This week the Assembly Housing Comm...
Please Permit Us to End Onerous Housing Permit Review image

Please Permit Us to End Onerous Housing Permit Review

With the Legislative session briskly underway, the Bay Area Council is excited that our priority housing streamlining bill (AB 1114) by Assemblymem...
About Time! CA Supreme Court Tosses Abusive CEQA Lawsuit; Clears Way for Lafayette Housing image

About Time! CA Supreme Court Tosses Abusive CEQA Lawsuit; Clears Way for Lafayette Housing

While the news was good, even if it took so long, for a 315-unit housing project in Lafayette (item above), a report by the University of Californi...
Council-Sponsored Bill Seeks to Accelerate Housing Permitting in San Francisco image

Council-Sponsored Bill Seeks to Accelerate Housing Permitting in San Francisco

San Francisco is one of the only jurisdictions in the country that requires developers to go through arduous and discretionary permitting processes...
<a>Majority of Bay Area Cities Shirk Housing Deadline</a> image

Majority of Bay Area Cities Shirk Housing Deadline

A majority of Bay Area cities and counties this week struggled to meet a deadline for submitting plans required by the state to show how they will ...
Council Celebrates Ruling for Livermore 100% Affordable Housing Project image

Council Celebrates Ruling for Livermore 100% Affordable Housing Project

A rabid anti-housing group in Livermore recently got a solid beat down in its lawsuit opposing a 100% affordable housing project by Bay Area Counci...
CEQA Court Case Could Be Unmitigated Disaster for California’s Housing Crisis image

CEQA Court Case Could Be Unmitigated Disaster for California’s Housing Crisis

The stakes could not be higher for addressing California’s historic housing shortage and affordability crisis than the outcome of a court case hi...
Building Support for More U.S. Investment in Housing image

Building Support for More U.S. Investment in Housing

The Bay Area Council and 30 of our members met this week with Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf and Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg to hear more about ...
Biden Housing Plan Gives a Nod to Council Strategies image

Biden Housing Plan Gives a Nod to Council Strategies

Fresh off a successful DC advocacy trip that focused heavily on housing reforms, and our 2021 decision to open a permanent DC presence with Frank H...
New Homelessness Counts Offer Bad News, Good News image

New Homelessness Counts Offer Bad News, Good News

New data released this week shows that homelessness in the Bay Area is getting worse, with the region’s unhoused population up by 9% since 2020. ...
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