
Research Reveals Power of Bay Area Council’s Groundbreaking ADU Reforms image

Research Reveals Power of Bay Area Council’s Groundbreaking ADU Reforms

New research shows the benefits of the Bay Area Council’s landmark accessory dwelling unit (ADUs) reforms and that those benefits may be even bro...
Great Day in the Legislature for Council’s Housing Reform Efforts image

Great Day in the Legislature for Council’s Housing Reform Efforts

Today was a great day for housing reform in California, with priority housing bills passing out of a critical final legislative committee that the ...
Onerous Stormwater Regulations Threaten Critical Housing image

Onerous Stormwater Regulations Threaten Critical Housing

If California was as good at making it easy to build housing as it is making it difficult to build housing, we’d have no housing crisis at all. T...
New Poll Supports Council’s Work to Reform CEQA, Land Use Laws image

New Poll Supports Council’s Work to Reform CEQA, Land Use Laws

A new Public Policy Institute of California poll finds that Californians continue to identify housing costs as their top issue and that t...
Council-Supported Affordable Homeownership Project Advances image

Council-Supported Affordable Homeownership Project Advances

The Bay Area Council fought for and won support for a housing project in Sunnyvale this week that will deliver 114 new homes, 14 of which will be a...
Keeping Up with Housing image

Keeping Up with Housing

With the Legislature scheduled to return to session next week, the Bay Area Council will be watching closely to ensure a number of important housin...
Major Redwood City Life Sciences Project Advances image

Major Redwood City Life Sciences Project Advances

This week the Redwood City Council approved Longfellow Real Estate Partners to begin theCalifornia Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) ...
Visionary Google Plan with 7K Homes Gets Approval image

Visionary Google Plan with 7K Homes Gets Approval

We are thrilled to celebrate the momentous and unanimous approval of the Google North Bayshore Master Plan by the Mountain View City Council! This ...
San Mateo County Governments Skirt Council-Supported Housing Law image

San Mateo County Governments Skirt Council-Supported Housing Law

In 2015 the Bay Area Council sponsored SB 1069 (Wieckowski) recognizing that Accessory Dwelling Units were an under-utilized source of housing in C...
Cutting Red Tape to Spur More Housing, Lower Costs image

Cutting Red Tape to Spur More Housing, Lower Costs

This week, the Bay Area Council submitted a letter to the San Francisco Board of Supervisors in support of a proposed ordinance by Supervisors Ahsh...
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