California Can’t Make Progress Without CEQA Reform

California’s signature environmental law, the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), is
also a signature obstacle to the state’s ability to address its biggest challenges, including a
housing and homelessness crisis and the impacts of a changing climate. In a powerful
commentary appearing in Calmatters this week, Bay Area Council CEO Jim Wunderman and
Los Angeles County Business Federation CEO Tracy Hernandez argue for immediate action to
update and reform a law that has become outdated and unwieldy and is being abused to block
California’s progress.

Read the commentary>>
Wunderman and Hernandez wrote the piece in their capacity as founding leaders of the New
California Coalition
, a statewide organization that is working to mobilize thousands of
businesses and millions of residents to demand common-sense solutions to our biggest

For More Information Contact:

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Jim Wunderman

President & CEO


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