Partner Spotlight: California Competes

In California there are 6.8 million adults ages 25–54 who graduated high school but have not completed a postsecondary degree. This population of Californian’s is facing one of the toughest job markets in recent history and will continue to face limited job opportunities unless action is taken. Targeting these potential college graduates presents an opportunity to accelerate California’s stability and resilience. Just this week, California Competes released the Untapped Opportunity report which takes a deeper dive into this population of potential college graduates  and outlines new opportunities for how the state can better support them in completing their postsecondary education.

On average, potential graduates are more likely to be male and from communities of color. Fifty-one percent of potential graduates have some college experience and are less likely to be employed compared with college graduates. This potential graduate population is often faced with barriers to completing college including having to care for children, access to high-speed internet, and limited financial resources.

The Council is committed to an equitable economic recovery and that necessitates targeted outreach to underserved communities such as potential college graduates.  Increasing paid work-based learning opportunities will be an integral part of this recovery and will continue to prioritize innovative practices to attract and support adults who are vulnerable to being underpaid for the rest of their working lives because they don’t have a degree. Check out the report here or contact Su Jin Gatlin Jez to learn more.

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