State Water Allocations Highlight Urgency to Create More H2O

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As we enter the third year of our most recent drought, the federal Bureau of Reclamation this week announced dramatic reductions in water deliveries for farmers, cities and others. Farmers will get zero water from the Central Valley Project, the vast system of reservoirs, canals and other water delivery infrastructure that along with the State Water Project provides the bulk of California’s water. Under the bureau’s action, cities saw their allocation cut to 25% of their historical water use. Both the Contra Costa Water District and Santa Clara Valley Water District rely on water from the bureau.

The continuing and deepening shortages make clear that California must begin now to invest in strategies to create new water. The Bay Area Council is advocating for making more than $2.5 billion in investments in desalination and wastewater recycling across the state. Council CEO Jim Wunderman recently headlined the CalDesal annual conference where he outlined the Council’s proposal. To engage in the Council’s water policy work, please contact Senior Vice President Adrian Covert.

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