Exploring the Promise of Carbon Sequestration

Achieving California’s ambitious climate goals will take many strategies, including prioritizing new and innovative technologies to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and store it underground. The Bay Area Council’s Energy Committee is focused on the promise of Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS) technology to accomplish this monumental task and last week welcomed California Air Resources Board (CARB) Deputy Executive Officer of Climate Change & Research Rajinder Sahota to discuss these strategies.

Sahota shared how CCS is playing a role in CARB’s goals to reduce California’s carbon emissions by 85% by 2045 relative to 1990 levels. She also provided insight into which policy levers could accelerate CCS adoption, such as further staffing for CARB’s CCS program, expedited judicial review for CCS, Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) projects, and the doubling of electricity generation in the state. The Council plans to work with legislative partners on elevating CCS as a priority and working to streamline CCS projects. To engage in the Council’s energy policy work, please contact Policy Director Julian Lake.

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