SF Business Times Names Its Most Admired CEOs of 2018

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You’ll never guess who was named one of the San Francisco Business Times outstanding CEOs of 2018? That’s right.  We are thrilled to announce that Bay Area Council President and CEO Jim Wunderman will be honored at the 2018 Most Admired CEOs Awards, which will be held on Thursday, November 8 from 5:30-9:00pm at the Four Seasons Hotel San Francisco. Since becoming CEO in 2004, Wunderman has tripled the size of the organization, elevated its influence, expanded the organization to Sacramento and China and honed the Council’s regionalist approach to advocacy in key areas that impact the Bay Area’s economy and competitiveness. With Wunderman at the helm, the Council has played a leading role on issues related to housing, transportation, water, climate change and energy, early education funding and healthcare reform. The event will also honor Council board members Jeff Hoopes, CEO of Swinerton, Rich Robbins, CEO of Wareham Development, and Jim Wallace, CEO of BPM.  Join us in celebrating some of our region’s most esteemed business leaders on Nov. 8>>

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