Member Spotlight: United

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How can I bring my employees back safely?  That’s the question on the minds of America’s CEOs with no clear end date in sight to the COVID crisis. Fortunately, it’s often during times of greatest challenge that innovative thinking ramps up and new ideas take flight. The shift to flexible offices is an example of an idea that originated in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis. Now, it’s getting a fresh look as businesses debate how to connect safely and effectively in today’s increasingly distributed work environment. 

The future of work has arrived. Team Together is an exciting new partnership between United and Peerspace that offers bundled packages for flexible workspace and airfare. Tailor-made for companies considering fully remote or partially distributed work models, they allow businesses to respond to heightened concerns about workplace safety without sacrificing the need for connection. At a time when companies are seeking out ways to come together and collaborate productively, Team Together offers an innovative solution. Learn more>>

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