Council Opposes Shutdown of Scooters, eBikes and other Micromobility Vehicles

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On Aug. 25, the Bay Area Council, SPUR, and the Silicon Valley Leadership Group issued a joint letter in opposition to AB 1286, which would functionally ban scooters, ebikes and other electric-assist modes of transportation from the state’s roads. Micromobility has a positive impact on our communities, advancing equitable mobility and economic recovery while curbing traffic congestion and reducing carbon emissions. In addition, micromobility is playing a vital role during the pandemic, allowing widespread use of open-air, socially distant and sustainable services.

“The shared micromobility industry has provided Californians with tens of millions of zero- emission transportation trips on bicycles, e-bikes, and e-scooters,” states the joint letter. “Imposing this [liability exposure] is likely to eliminate micromobility services or significantly increase their costs, which would have a devastating impact on all those who rely on them, and especially low-income workers.”

The Council strongly urges California State Senators to oppose AB 1286 on the Senate floor.

Read the full letter>>

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