Member Spotlight: United Airlines

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United Airlines has partnered with Governor Newsom to provide free, round-trip flights for medical volunteers traveling to California to help in the frontline fight against the COVID-19 crisis. The airline is working closely with the state of California to coordinate travel for doctors, nurses and other medical professionals from across the country to help treat patients, in this time of unprecedented need.

“I want to thank United Airlines for stepping in in a big way to help health care professionals. We couldn’t be more grateful for their largesse and support,” said California Governor Gavin Newsom. 

United is working with the state of California to ensure qualified medical professionals are staffed in hospitals best suited to their areas of expertise and have the proper housing and transportation to enable them to effectively offer their services.

“Our frontline healthcare workers are heroes.  We are profoundly grateful to them for their unwavering commitment to support our communities and medical providers at this time of exceptional need,” said Janet Lamkin, President, California for United Airlines and former Chair of the Bay Area Council. “It is our hope that providing air travel at no cost will allow additional courageous volunteers and first responders the ability to reach health care facilities throughout California, which continues to feel the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.”

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