The Bay Area is a global center for healthcare innovation, rapidly developing technologies that are revolutionizing the way we access, provide, and think about healthcare. While innovations like specialty drugs and medical devices are providing unprecedented treatment of diseases, there are also challenges to financing access to these advancements. Other consumer-directed technologies are empowering patients to engage in their personal health management and hold promise for improving the value of care. And yet, a big question remains about whether we are actually committed to paying for value.

That question was posed by Dr. Micah Weinberg, President of the Bay Area Council Economic Institute, in opening remarks at the San Francisco Business Times’ Healthcare Leadership Summit on Friday (April 10). It also was the focus of a panel discussion with Dr. Kent Bradley, President of Safeway Health and Co-Chair of the Council’s Healthcare Committee, as well as leaders from Council members Hill Physicians Medical Group and Sutter Health, and from Rock Health and PBGH. The panelists analyzed how health innovations can best help medical professionals deliver the most comprehensive care and encourage patients to manage their own health outside of a care facility.

Within the theme of shifting from healthcare to overall population health, the Summit concluded with Dr. Bradley announcing the imminent launch of Bay Healthy, a new campaign created by the Bay Area Council in partnership with the San Francisco Business Times. This campaign will leverage the strength of the employer community to make an impact on the health of the Bay Area by encouraging employees to make one small commitment to improve their health. More details coming soon. To engage in the Council’s Healthcare work, please contact Economic Institute President Micah Weinberg.

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