An expected surge in aviation maintenance jobs in the Bay Area in the next few years has industry leaders scrambling to find qualified workers. Employers like Alaska Airlines, United Airlines, FedEx and Southwest are already starting to feel the pinch from a shortage of workers to fill hundreds of middle-skills jobs that are expected to come open in a wide range of aviation-related jobs. In response, the Bay Area Council’s Workforce of the Future Committee this week (Aug. 7) convened a group of industry leaders to launch an Aviation Occupational Council focused on identifying the specifics jobs and partnering with Bay Area high schools and community colleges to build awareness about the opportunities in aircraft maintenance and other aviation-related jobs. The Aviation Occupational Council is just one of many similar councils we are forming to help meet demand in fields where there is a shortage of middle-skills workers. To engage in the Council’s Workforce of the Future efforts, and for more information on how to participate in occupational councils for your industry, please contact Senior Vice President Linda Bidrossian.

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