Bay Area Pays a Lion’s Share of CA Personal Income Tax

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New data from the California Franchise Tax Board shows the Bay Area’s importance to the state’s fiscal health. Based on 2017 data, an analysis by the Bay Area Council Economic Institute found that the nine-county region contributes more income tax to the state annually than any other region, making up nearly 40 percent of the total statewide income tax revenue while housing 20 percent of the state’s population. Los Angeles County, with 26 percent of the state’s population, lags behind the Bay Area at just 24 percent of the state’s income tax receipts. Personal income taxes paid per capita in each of the state’s regions paints a picture of the higher-than-average household incomes prevalent in the Bay Area. The average $3,700 in per capita income taxes that Bay Area residents pay annually is more than 2.5 times greater than the rest of the state. With the Bay Area’s outsized contributions to California’s fisc, the Bay Area Council is working through our office in Sacramento to ensure our region is getting the value it deserves.

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