Partner Spotlight: Golden State Opportunity’s CalEITC4Me Campaign

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Every year hard working Californians leave roughly $2 billion on the table. That’s money working families and individuals could have claimed through the California and federal earned income tax credit (EITC). It’s a cash back program that puts money back in the pockets of low-income workers who’ve earned it. Golden State Opportunity is committed to changing that narrative. The CalEITC4Me campaign is a public-private partnership to spread the word about these impactful tax credits. It’s helped over 2 million Californians receive $4 billion from this proven anti-poverty measure.

In addition to lifting people out of poverty, the EITC is a powerful tool for economic stimulus, especially in urban areas. Researchers at the Brookings Institution estimate that as of 2015, “the credit creates local economic impacts equivalent to at least twice the amount of EITC dollars received.”

Golden State Opportunity’s successful outreach efforts rely on strategic partnerships with a variety of organizations and public figures. Recently, the First Partner of California, Jennifer Siebel Newsom, joined in Fresno with more than 20 community groups for a Family Resources Fair with close to 500 attendees. For more information on how you can get involved in the CalEITC4Me campaign, visit their partners page, or email Abigail Kilcullen.

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