Berkeley City Council Gets On Board Ferry

By George Broder

The Berkeley City Council adopted a resolution at a recent meeting to go on record in support of a planned terminal at the Berkeley Marina. The Water Emergency Transportation Authority (WETA) is well into the environmental evaluation and permitting process, and official support from the City of Berkeley will help to smooth the remainder of the process.

WETA recently broke ground on construction of a new terminal in South San Francisco; the Berkeley terminal will be the first new terminal on the eastern shore of the Bay. Both terminals will provide not only new commute and recreation transportation but will also add critical transportation system redundancy and flexibility that will be available when bridges and highways are unexpectedly closed (and if you thought that the recent unplanned closure of the Bay Bridge was inconvenient, just wait until a 1906-scale earthquake hits).

The Council thanks Leamon Abrams, WETA’s new Community Relations Manager, for reaching out for our support. We look forward to working closely with Leamon – and Nina Rannells, WETA’s new Executive Director – to secure the funding and approvals needed to build out a true region wide ferry system.

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