GreenBiz Index Released

By Andrew Michael

At the State of Green Business 2009 meeting the GreenBiz Index was released to provide indicators in different fields as to whether we are Swimming (moving forward), Treading (moving in place) or Sinking (declining).

Brights spots show progress on Clean Technology investments, Clean-Energy patents, Green jobs where there was measured growth despite the economic downturn, climbing recycle rates for paper as well as improved water efficiency as the population grows. However, as the short YouTube piece describes e-waste is still getting buried under growing mountains of waste. This is all happening despite E-PEAT, an electronic waste system being implemented in 2004 through ISEEE standards. Valuable minerals embedded in computers are simply be placed back in dumps that are practically un-mineable.

Meanwhile indicators from both fleets and green office space show that those realms are just treading water without outward improvements.

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