New Report Explores How Bay Area Employers Can Build a More Inclusive Economy

Through diversity and inclusion efforts, businesses can reap tremendous benefits while providing opportunities for young men of color and others disadvantaged by our economic system, according to a new study the Bay Area Council Economic Institute released on Tuesday, April 30.

Annabel Chang (Vice President, Bay Area, Alaska Airlines) and Micah Weinberg (President, Bay Area Council Economic Institute) will discuss the report findings at a gathering in San Jose and lead a roundtable discussion with key stakeholders on inclusive economy efforts. This includes employers, political leaders, community based organizations, talent development partners, policy advocacy organizations and other stakeholders in the workforce development system.

Read the full report>>

The report shares the learnings from the Bay Area Young Men of Color Employment Partnership (BAYEP) project and provides recommendations for improving how the region’s business and civic leaders can create and inclusive economy through offering better supports and opportunities for young men of color and others systematically disadvantaged by our economic system.

The findings from this report are informed by data provided by LeadersUp as well as companion analyses by PolicyLink and Urban Strategies Council. Additionally, interviews with employers in the region and the voices of the young men themselves helped guide the conclusions as we incorporate the findings of surveys and focus groups conducted throughout this effort.

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