Curated Career Fairs Connect Local, Diverse Talent to Employers

A record 300 job seekers connected with 64 employers on Tuesday (April 30) at the latest in a series of career fairs organized by the Bay Area Council’s Workforce of the Future Committee in partnership with the Work2Future Foundation. The event at San Jose City College was the fourth career fair with Work2Future Foundation, a local workforce investment board serving youth and adults in the San Jose area. In an effort to provide resources to job seekers on the day of the event, participants could take advantage of mock interview and resume review services. Job seekers could also upgrade their wardrobe. The Fashion Your Mind Organization brought 200 items of clothing for job seekers so that they are prepared for the next step towards their future career.

According to job seekers’ testimonials, these events provide participants with the opportunity to establish lasting connections with employers because employers are just as excited by the career fairs as job seekers and the event opens up space for networking. Special thanks to Silicon Valley Leadership Group for their partnership in this career fair as well as our funders Chase & Co. and Coca-Cola Foundation for their support. To engage in the Council’s Workforce of the Future Initiative, please contact Senior Vice President Linda Bidrossian.

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