Check Your Blind Spots on Unconscious Bias

Unconscious bias plays a central role in shaping our perspectives on those we work with and the people we surround ourselves with. This week, Bay Area Council team members, along with Council member PwC, learned more about their own blind spots at the Check Your Blind Spots Unconscious Bias bus tour organized by CEO Action. The Check Your Blind Spots tour highlights the importance of recognizing how unconscious biases influence everyday decision making from how we treat others, to who we choose to include in our networks.

CEO Action has gathered signatures for the CEO Pledge from hundreds of CEOs nationwide, including Bay Area Council President and CEO Jim Wunderman. The pledge aims to secure commitment from CEOs to amplify the importance of diversity and inclusion in their workplaces. The Council looks forward to continuing to support the work of CEO Action and the Check Your Blind Spots Unconscious Bias Bus tour through its Gender Equity and Diversity Committee. For more information on the Workforce of the Future and Gender Equity & Diversity Committees, contact Senior Vice President, Public Policy, Linda Bidrossian

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