Supporting Governor’s School Funding Plan

The Bay Area Council on May 22 announced that it is supporting the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) proposed by Governor Jerry Brown in his May budget revise. The proposed new formula, directing supplemental funds to programming for disadvantaged students and to closing the achievement gap, infuses fairness and equity into the funding system.  It also provides for community involvement in local strategic and accountability planning.

“California’s economy cannot afford to leave some children behind,” said Jim Wunderman, President and CEO of the Bay Area Council. “Under the Governor’s leadership, the devastating education budget cuts have stopped. Looking forward, Governor Brown has a vision for school funding that corrects inequities, reduces complex regulations, and engages local communities. We applaud the Governor’s vision and commitment to providing all children a good education.”

As the Governor has proposed it, the Local Control Funding Formula sets a per pupil funding “base” target that begins to restore the cuts made in recent years. Supplemental funding is added for students who are English learners, low income or in foster care. An additional grant is provided to districts with 50 percent or more students in these categories.

The proposal provides for a gradual transition over seven years to the new formula as funding grows. All districts will gain spending flexibility and must engage the community in developing an accountability plan.

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