Member Spotlight: Big Win for Calpine Decarbonization Projects

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Calpine announced that its Sutter Decarbonization Project has been selected by the Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations within the Department of Energy (DOE) to negotiate to enter into a cost-sharing agreement to build a commercial-scale carbon capture and storage (CCS) project that will capture and store up to 1.75 million metric tons of carbon dioxide each year. In a related announcement, DOE also selected Calpine’s carbon capture project at Baytown Energy Center in Texas. DOE’s selection of these projects validates and will accelerate Calpine’s program to advance the use of CCS infrastructure to produce clean energy. The parties expect to negotiate the terms of the agreements over the coming months.

The Sutter Decarbonization Project will retrofit the Sutter Energy Center, an existing 550-megawatt natural gas combined-cycle energy facility located in Yuba City. Working together with ION Clean Energy’s post-combustion carbon capture technology and 1PointFive Sequestration LLC’s more than 50 years experience safely and securely storing CO2, the Sutter Decarbonization Project is critical to achieving California’s ambitious carbon neutrality goals while maintaining grid reliability and affordable customer rates.

Read more about Calpine’s project>>

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