Council Members Share Deep Concerns Over Work from Home Mandate

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Bay Area Council members shared their specific concerns regarding the Metropolitan Transportation Commission’s proposed 60 percent work from home mandate as part of Plan Bay Area 2050. There are many things the Bay Area Council likes in the forthcoming plan and appreciates the hard work and diligence of the staff and commissioners who have spent over two years developing this plan. 

Members, however, shared their concerns that the Bay Area is becoming the most burdensome region in the country to do business and the mandate will accelerate the out migration we’re currently seeing in the region. Additionally, members were concerned that the transit and housing planning done to this point – focused on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and bolstering transit – will become moot. If you would like to join the Council in signing onto a letter expressing our concerns or reach out to MTC commissioners to express your concern, please contact Senior Vice President Gwen Litvak.

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