East Bay Assemblymember Tony Thurmond (Richmond) this week was appointed chair of a new Select Committee on Regional Planning in the San Francisco Bay Area, and the Bay Area Council is moving quickly to engage with him and the committee to provide input. The committee is being formed to address the planned merger of the Association of Bay Area Governments and the Metropolitan Transportation Commission. The Council is a leading proponent of merging the two agencies to better address the region’s pressing housing and transportation challenges.

Read the Council’s position on the MTC-ABAG merger>>

Thurmond said in a statement that he “also intends for the select committee to address other regional issues, including the lack of affordable housing; environmental issues, such as sea-level rise; strengthening the local economy; and improving public transportation systems. These facts tell me that if we don’t take a regional approach to these issues, there is no way we can appropriately allocate resources to fix the problems.” An initial hearing of the committee is scheduled for Feb. 19 in Oakland and the Council is looking forward to participating. To engage in our regional planning work, please contact Senior Vice President Matt Regan.

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