WETA Welcomes Two New Board Members; Adopts Means-Based Fares

The Water Emergency Transportation Authority (WETA) chaired by Bay Area Council CEO Jim Wunderman has welcomed two new members to its Board of Directors, which yesterday approved joining a regional program to discount fares for low-income riders. The Board voted unanimously to join the Clipper START pilot program, which the Metropolitan Transportation Commission launched on Wednesday (July 15) and includes a handful of other major transit agencies including BART, Caltrain and San Francisco MUNI, among others.

With urging from new Board member Monique Moyer and Director Jeff DelBono, WETA will provide the maximum 50 percent fare discount available under the program. The program is consistent with the Ferry Service Recovery Plan that WETA approved last month and calls for increasing ridership among disadvantaged communities. The Council has been a strong proponent of a means-based fare program. With the arrival of Moyer and new Board member Jessica Alba, the WETA Board is now at full capacity. Moyer is Senior Managing Director of Global Workplace Solutions for CBRE and former Director of the Port of San Francisco. Alba was appointed by state Assembly speaker Anthony Rendon and serves as transportation policy manager for Stanford University.

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