Employers Pursue Many Strategies to Reduce Automobile Trips

Some of the nation’s most innovative transportation professionals came together last week (Feb. 23) at the Bay Area Council’s TDM Task Force meeting to tour Google’s impressive bus and bike facilities. The Council’s TDM Task Force brings together the region’s largest companies that are collaborating on strategies to help employees get to work in comfortable and convenient ways other than driving alone, including commuter shuttles, public transit, vanpools, carpools, bikes, and more. Council members toured Google’s robust commuter shuttle operation which helps shuttle employees to their Silicon Valley campuses from all over the Bay Area, and the group got an inside peek at the massive Google bike network which makes it easier for employees to ride between buildings and campuses. The Council played an instrumental role in creating the employer commuter shuttle system more than 10 years ago. To learn more about the Council’s TDM Task Force, please contact Vice President Emily Loper.

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