Council Works to Accelerate Transportation Project Delivery

Legislation (SB 288, Wiener) the Bay Area Council is working to pass would speed up a wide range of bicycle, complete street and public transit projects, helping accelerate our economic recovery from COVID-19 by creating jobs and connecting more people to economic opportunity, while also reducing greenhouse gas emissions. SB 288 — The Sustainable Transportation COVID-19 Recovery Act — also contains important provisions to ensure projects are delivering jobs for skilled and trained workers, protecting community participation and the environment, identifying ways to benefit our most vulnerable communities and are designed to deliver strong value to taxpayers.

“Speeding up the delivery of environmentally friendly and sustainable public transportation projects will help put the brakes on polluting traffic as the region’s economy begins to reopen and commuters return to work,” said Jim Wunderman, President and CEO of the Bay Area Council. The Council is proud to partner with SPUR and the Silicon Valley Leadership Group in advocating for SB288. To learn more, click here to read the fact sheet or contact Senior Vice President Gwen Litvak.

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