Louis Mirante

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Louis Mirante

Vice President of Public Policy, Housing

(510) 908-0537

Bay Area Council

Louis Mirante is Vice President of Public Policy at the Bay Area Council, focusing on the Council’s housing policy and legislation work. Prior to joining the Council, Louis was the legislative director of California YIMBY, a statewide housing advocacy and coalition-building organization that in just five years rose from the margins to become one of California’s leading housing policy groups. In this role Louis helped craft and win approval for key state legislation to boost housing production and hold local governments accountable for meeting their housing obligations.

Louis has also held positions with the California Department of Finance, the California Department of Transportation, and the California Air Resources Board, giving him important experience in the workings of the California’s administrative state, as well as insight into the implementation of transportation and climate policies. Mirante serves on the board of the Casita Coalition, a statewide advocacy and policy group the Council helped form to promote the construction of accessory dwelling units and other missing middle housing typologies.

Louis graduated with highest honors from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor with a degree in political science, and his award-winning thesis focused on the effects of state supreme court design on judicial outcomes. He was in the University’s inaugural class of Bonderman Fellows, which funds its members to travel the world for a year after graduation. Originally from the East Bay, Louis is based in the Council’s Sacramento office.

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