Major Redwood City Life Sciences Project Advances

This week the Redwood City Council approved Longfellow Real Estate Partners to begin theCalifornia Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) documentation process, the first step in approving the Redwood LIFE Evolve project, which offers 970,000 square feet of office space and nearly $100 million investment in affordable housing, among other community benefits valued at a combined $385 million. 

The project aims to build the life sciences center of the future, and it offers to improve active transportation in Redwood City, rehabilitate levies, and create expansive public open space on nearly 84 acres of bayside development. The Bay Area Council was proud to support theproject and congratulates Longfellow and their public affairs team at BergDavis on this important first step to enhancing the region’s affordable housing opportunities and economy.

Read more on Redwood LIFE decision>>

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