Additional SF Police Funding Council Supported Clears First Hurdle

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Restoring a sense of safety in our cities is critical to bringing workers and visitors back to our downtowns, supporting local businesses and strengthening our economy. That’s why the Bay Area Council this week advocated for a request by San Francisco Mayor London Breed for $25 million in supplemental budget funding to address the city’s serious police staffing shortage. The request cleared a key Board of Supervisors committee hurdle and now heads to the full Board next week. The funding will support rising police overtime costs as the city works to fill more than 500 vacant police positions.

The Council through its new Public Safety Initiative is working with police chiefs from San Francisco and other Bay Area cities to address a wider police staffing shortage afflicting the region and developing strategies for attracting new recruits. To engage in our Public Safety Initiative, please contact Policy Director Laura Hill.

For More Information Contact:

Laura Hill image
Laura Hill

Senior Policy Director, Transportation and Public Safety

(415) 946-8741

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