Bay Area Council Cheers Demise of AB 1400 Single Payer Healthcare Legislation

The Bay Area Council today (Jan. 31) issued the following statement on the demise of AB 1400, single-payer healthcare legislation that was pulled from consideration ahead of a vote on the Assembly floor when it became clear there was insufficient support to move it forward.

“AB 1400 was a disaster in the making and an unnecessary distraction from the real work of creating a healthcare system that can provide affordable, high-quality care to all Californians,” said Jim Wunderman, President and CEO of the Bay Area Council. “It was unworkable and would have cost California taxpayers and businesses hundreds of billions in new taxes, with little or no hope that it would ever produce any results. We hope this announcement will provide the legislature the opportunity to work with Governor Newsom on his proposal to provide true, universal health care in California – something the Bay Area Council has long advocated.”

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