Partner Spotlight: Growth Sector Trains Community College Students for Engineering Careers

The Bay Area remains a hub for national labs, cutting edge engineering, and biotech companies, many of whom are represented in the Council’s membership. The jobs available with these employers are critical for maintaining our leading role worldwide in science and innovation, and building local pathways to these roles expands opportunity here in the Bay Area. Council partner Growth Sector works directly with community college programs in the Bay Area to train students through its STEM Core program and connect them to internships with major employers across the nation and Bay Area, ultimately leading to improved opportunities in STEM jobs throughout our region. As the economy continues to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, connecting students from our region’s diverse community colleges to well-paid roles will be essential to build career pathways for students from all backgrounds. The Council is partnering with Growth Sector to expand employer partnerships across the region and strengthen opportunities for these students. If you are looking for new sources of local talent for jobs in engineering, biotech, and STEM fields, please contact to Senior Policy Manager Henry Bartholomay.

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