Defending the Bay Area against extreme weather, flooding and sea level rise just got a bit easier with the launch of a new website to support a June 2016 regional San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority campaign. In April, the Bay Area Council Economic Institute released a study estimating that the region could suffer more than $10 billion in economic damages from a 150-year megastorm. However, for $1.5 billion, much of the Bay could be defended through a network of new levees and 30,000 acres of restored wetlands, work that would also improve public access and the Bay ecosystem. The Bay Area Council has joined forces with Save the Bay and the Silicon Valley Leadership Group to pass a 20-year, $12 regional parcel tax to get this work started before it’s too late. To learn more about the effort to defend the Bay, please contact Policy Director Adrian Covert.

Support the Bay Restoration campaign>>

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