New Franklin Templeton-Gallup Survey Gives Key Insights for Restaurant Industry on Road to Recovery

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A new survey released this week by member company Franklin Templeton in partnership with Gallup reveals important insights for restaurants eager to resume normal operations and consumers’ support for pre-COVID-19 behavior. Twelve percent of Americans said they or someone in their household had dined indoors at a restaurant in the past 24 hours, while 9% said they had dined at a restaurant seated outdoors during that time. Republicans and people with kids tip the scale as likely to eat at a restaurant, but the willingness to dine out increases across the board when limited capacity is factored in. Understanding how the perceived risks, and the extent to which precautions like limited capacity, can alter those perceptions will be critical for the restaurant industry’s recovery in the coming months.

These results are based on more than 10,000 web-based surveys (completed July 2-14) as part of the larger-scale Franklin Templeton-Gallup Economics of Recovery Study research effort combining monthly surveys of U.S. adults with big data to capture Americans’ readiness to resume pre-COVID-19 behaviors with the goal of better informing the path to recovery. 

Read the full release>>

Photo courtesy of Gallup News.

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