COVID Surge Prompts New Lockdown Measures
A dramatic surge in COVID cases and rising hospitalizations prompted Gov. Newsom this week to unveil plans for strict new shutdown orders on counties. The state hit a daily record of almost 15,000 new cases on Wednesday and public health officials fear beleaguered hospitals will quickly be overwhelmed. The spike in new infections is dampening prospects for a jobs recovery and threatens to shutter many businesses already reeling from restrictions on operations. So far, COVID has infected almost 160,000 Bay Area residents and killed almost 2,000.
The Bay Area Council is continuing to work with county public health and elected leaders on coordinating a regional communications campaign to provide employers and others with clear, consistent information to help guide them in safeguarding workers and customers and determining what activities are allowed. Newsom’s plan calls for restricting many business and other activities when capacity at hospital intensive care units dips below 15%. Some Bay Area counties, including Santa Clara and Alameda, were already looking at shutting down as cases and hospitalizations amassed.