Court Ruling Highlights Urgency of Passing Prop 22

A state appeals court ruling Thursday (Oct. 22) threatened the existence of app-based ride-hailing companies in California and highlighted the urgency of passing Proposition 22 to protect an industry that was largely created in the Bay Area. The ruling, which can be appealed to the state Supreme Court, effectively said that until a decision in the case is rendered on its merits, companies must adhere to rules outlined in misguided and over-reaching legislation (AB5, Gonzales) that did away with the ability of thousands of workers to continue operating as independent contractors. The law is so flawed that independent contractors across a wide range of jobs and industries have been scrambling to win qualify for exemptions. And it prompted ride-hailing and gig economy companies like Uber, Lyft and DoorDash to put Proposition 22 on the Nov. 3 ballot to exempt the many thousands of drivers who rely on independent contracting work for their livelihood and want to preserve the flexibility they have to run their own business. The Bay Area Council filed an amicus curiae brief in support of Lyft and Uber in the appellate case and has strongly endorsed Prop. 22. Learn more about Prop 22>>

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