Countering the False Narrative on San Francisco

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The Bay Area Council is a regional organization, but we are headquartered in San Francisco. So, we take particular umbrage when media stories disproportionately focus attention on the city’s ills without highlighting the many things that make San Francisco great. To counter this false narrative, Bay Area Council CEO Jim Wunderman joined CBS/KPIX Channel 5 on Monday (June 19) and spoke with anchor Juliette Goodrich about the city’s challenges, the serious work that’s being done to address them, and the many things that make San Francisco a world-class city.

Watch the CBS/KPIX interview>>

Jim isn’t the only Wunderman out shining a light on San Francisco’s many positive attributes. In a recent article for SF Gate, journalist Ali Wunderman spoke with tourists, including a family from Texas, who put the lie to media stories that paint the city as a hellscape. Folks from Arizona to Toronto raved about the city’s beauty, its rich cultural and art offerings, and diverse, high-quality culinary scene, among other things.

“We both took our wedding rings off, and now I feel bad about it because we’ve felt so safe,” Teresa Carthy from Toronto told Wunderman. “Sometimes the news skews your impression … but it’s quite the opposite.”
Read Ali Wunderman’s story>>

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Jim Wunderman

President & CEO


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