Council Ramps Up Advocacy on Governor’s Affordable Housing Bill

The Bay Area Council is stepping up its advocacy of Governor Jerry Brown’s legislation to fast track approval of affordable housing. In a letter the Council delivered today to the Governor, CEOs of some of the Bay Area’s largest employers and representing diverse industries expressed their strong support for the Governor’s budget trailer bill allowing simple administrative approval of new housing developments that meet all existing local planning, building and zoning codes and guidelines and provide guaranteed levels of affordable units.

In the letter, the CEOs talk about the growing challenges of attracting and retaining employees in the face of a crisis-level housing shortage that puts home prices and rents out of their reach for many residents, particularly those making lower- and middle-income. A joint Assembly-Senate conference committee is now considering the bill and the Council remains actively engaged in the discussions to move it forward before the June deadline to pass the budget. To engage in the Council’s housing policy work, please contact Senior Vice President Matt Regan.

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