Council Joins Bay Area Professional Sports Teams in Supporting Prop 16

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Presidents, CEOs and Chairs of seven professional sports teams based in the Bay Area united this week in support of Proposition 16, a ballot proposition up for statewide vote this November that would repeal Proposition 209, which banned affirmative action in public employment, education and contracting. In a joint statement, top executives from the Golden State Warriors, the Oakland A’s, the San Francisco 49ers, the San Jose Earthquakes, the Oakland Roots, the San Francisco Giants and the San Jose Sharks each voiced their support for ending Prop 209 and affirmed their commitment to equality and equity for all California residents. The Bay Area Council joins these leaders in officially supporting Proposition 16.

“With Proposition 16 coming before voters this November, equal opportunity and justice are on the ballot,” said Rick Welts, President and Chief Operating Officer of the Golden State Warriors and member of the Council’s Executive Committee. “If we’re going to live up to our reputation as a golden state with golden opportunities, we can and should do more to remove the systemic barriers that shut out Californians from a shot at a better life. Prop 16 is crucial to creating a stronger economic future for women and communities of color, and greater economic prosperity for California as whole.”

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