Council CEO Jim Wunderman to Headline Statewide Desalination Conference

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The recent deluge of rain and snow started to refill California reservoirs and aquifers badly depleted by record drought, but it didn’t begin to address the state’s deeper and longer-term water challenges. In addition to boosting conservation and increasing storage capacity, developing new supplies of water will be essential as the threat of drought only worsens with climate change.

As the keynote speaker at the annual Cal Desal Conference on Feb. 9, Bay Area Council CEO Jim Wunderman will outline his vision for investing heavily in expanding new desalination and wastewater recycling across the state. Wunderman will expand upon a commentary he authored for CalMatters in which he warned that “sooner or later, nature will fail to replenish California’s reservoirs for one year too many, and the state will face a catastrophic water shortage with devastating humanitarian, economic and environmental consequences. If we wait until then to act, we will have waited too long.”

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