Council Advocates for Carpooling Campaign as Region Begins to Reopen

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Anticipating that single occupancy vehicle use will be on the rise as people begin to return to their workplaces, the Bay Area Council is working to promote carpooling as one shared mode the community should consider utilizing at this time. In a letter to MTC, the Council has requested the agency issue regional guidance on carpooling in the wake of COVID-19 to ensure standards and messaging across the region for carpooling are consistent. One component of this guidance should include MTC working with carpooling app providers to certify to drivers and riders that safety standards are adhered to. This can help to distill fears the public may have in utilizing shared modes where the fears might be due to a lack of awareness on precautions being taken or options available. Educating the public on these options will be necessary to avoid a looming “Carmaggedon” as we see activity increase across our region.

Download and read the Council’s complete policy brief on advocating for regional guidance and public awareness on carpooling>>

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