The Bay Area Council heartily supports making the successful commuter shuttles program permanent, as we await the release of the proposed plan by the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Authority (SFMTA) scheduled for today (Oct. 16). The Council represents a coalition of companies that provide shuttle service, and has worked with the SFMTA to develop and hone the program over the past two years. After conducting an analysis of the 18-month pilot program, the SFMTA prepared a recommendation that the program become permanent with a few minor changes. The commuter shuttles provide approximately 17,000 one-way passenger trips every day, thus removing 2 million car trips a year from the region’s badly congested roads and highways. In the face of record congestion, the shuttles are filling an important gap in our region’s transit system at no cost to taxpayers.

To learn more about the Council’s Commuter Shuttles work, contact Policy Manager Emily Loper.

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